Our Sustainability Policy
Our company is committed to acting diligently and responsibly to ensure the sustainable future of our world, which we share with other living beings, by taking all necessary measures and carrying out our responsibilities.
Our Sustainability Policy is guided by our Vision, Mission, Corporate Values, Social Responsibility Policy, Ethical Values, and all relevant activities.
Our understanding of sustainability includes:
- Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,
- Implementing the United Nations Global Compact Principles,
- Allocating resources to Research and Development activities in the Compound sector,
- Utilizing new and current technologies that contribute to our efficiency and development,
- Supporting the participation of our stakeholders in our business processes,
- Increasing awareness among our stakeholders and employees in our business processes,
- Sharing our sustainability efforts and experiences with national and international stakeholders,
- Measuring and evaluating the economic, environmental, and social impacts of all activities and taking improvement actions to reduce negatives,
- Regularly preparing and sharing sustainability reports in compliance with international regulations,
- Developing practices to improve our Occupational Health and Safety activities,
- Taking necessary measures to enhance our employees' commitment and comfort in the work environment while ensuring productivity,
- Preventing all forms of discrimination, strengthening employment by including employees in performance-focused evaluation processes, and empowering career management with their participation,
- Supporting the development and active participation of women in all levels of employment to increase female employment,
- Conducting environmental impact assessments in all our business activities, measuring energy efficiency, measuring and reporting emissions, and managing environmental impacts with corrective and developmental goals,
- Efficiently utilizing energy and water resources, shifting towards renewable energy sources as much as possible, and developing projects to raise awareness among our employees and all stakeholders,
- Being transparent, compliant with basic business ethics, and combating corruption,
- Integrating the risk management process with a holistic approach into all our business processes,
- Monitoring sustainability criteria in our supply chain, and spreading awareness of sustainability throughout our supply system,
- Effectively and accurately identifying, analyzing, and ensuring uninterrupted access to our products and services by determining customer needs and expectations,
- Regularly reviewing and updating our Sustainability Policy as necessary.